EYFS: Preschool and Kinder
The students follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, adapted to meet the requirements of all children at TBSC and to incorporate local learning opportunities.
Preschool & Kinder
The students in Preschool and Kinder (ages 3 to 5) follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, adapted to meet the requirements of all children at TBSC and to incorporate local learning opportunities. Specialists teach Music and PE, as well as Spanish in Kinder.
The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of a two year programme. We provide a safe and stimulating environment, both indoors and outdoors, in which children can develop socially, emotionally, creatively, physically and academically and provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. In Preschool the primary focus is on the Prime Areas of Learning (Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development) while in Kinder the Specific Areas of Learning (Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design) develop and build on this foundation.
Our goal is that children leaving the EYFS will be developing as independent learners, confident in their abilities, increasingly able to communicate their needs and ideas in English and Spanish, willing to make choices and take risks to further their learning. They will show respect for themselves, for others and for their environment. They will demonstrate an ability to cooperate with each other in work and play, showing an awareness of the rights and needs of others, and be sensitive to individual differences.
Parental involvement is a major pillar of the EYFS. The Seesaw app allows us to share examples of learning and school activities, as well as providing opportunities to introduce young learners to ICT skills. Throughout the year there are several opportunities for parents to share activities with their children, including Nursery Rhyme Week, World Maths Day, World Book Day, Sports Day, Nativity performance and class assemblies. Visits to local places of interest enhance the learning. Past visits have included a local market, the beach, a zoo, and a terrarium.
For more information about the EYFS framework, see here
For a Parents Guide to the New EYFS, see here