Milepost 2: Years 3 and 4
Milepost 2 comprises of two yeargroups: Year 3 (ages 7 to 8) and Year 4 (ages 8 to 9). During this phase of schooling, students become more independent and start to become more involved in their decision making and learning choices.
Years 3 & 4
During this phase of schooling, students become more independent and start to become more involved in their decision making and learning choices. The International Primary Curriculum programme continues through Milepost 2.
Year 3 is a vibrant and engaging year and is the first year of Milepost 2. The curriculum is fun, collaborative and creative. The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) helps to integrate subject areas such as Science, History, Geography, Art, Internationalism.
Year 4 is another busy year! Students experience a variety of topic work. One may see the Year 4 display boards full of skeletal artwork relating to how humans work, or visitors may think they are walking in Aztec lands as the students learn about Chocolate.
International Primary Curriculum (IPC)
All other subjects including Science, Geography, History, Art and Design, ICT, Design and Technology, Music and International studies, are taught using the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). These topics cover the learning outcomes for each subject from the English National Curriculum but allow more flexibility to make teaching and learning appropriate in an international setting.
All IPC topics begin with an exciting ‘Entry Point’ to engage the children and a ‘Knowledge Harvest’ to discover what pupils already know. Teaching is then tailored to ensure the necessary learning outcomes are covered and time is allocated for pupils to investigate areas of interest and to answer questions surrounding the topic.
Activities and Trips
Throughout Milepost 2, the curriculum is enhanced with visits to local places of interest that link to the topics the students are studying. We also welcome visitors into school to share their expertise, enrich our curriculum and help us celebrate events and festivals such as Carnival, World Book Day and International Week. Through our holistic approach to education, children take part in musical recitals, art exhibitions and drama performances during class assemblies and our Christmas production. We also offer a variety of extracurricular clubs and peripatetic music classes.